Minggu, 02 Desember 2007

My Very Own Color Book

Ini ada  contoh kegiatan buat anak-anak di bawah 6 thn, bisa jadi alternativ kegiatan utk 'timeout' diantara kegiatan eksplorasi (baca : lari2 dan manjat2), saya copy-in dari buku SMART PLAY by BARBARA SHER, chapter 1-

Games That Enhance Visual-Spatial Skills

My Very Own Color Book
This is a game designed for the scribbler. Even if a child is only at the scribbling stage of her artistic development, she can still make her own book!
This game shows her how, and it’s fun for you, too. Sitting and quietly scribbling together can be a lovely bonding moment in itself. Then later, when you have something to “read” together many times, the pleasure of that moment is multiplied.

crayons, markers, colored pencils, or other drawing tools
ribbons, string, or plastic bag ties


Take one piece of white paper, the heavier the better, and together scribble all over the page, using only one color. Then scribble another page,with another color. You can use crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, pastels, chalks, or whatever else appeals to you.
After you have made a page for each color, poke some holes in the
edges of the papers and tie the pages together using ribbon or string or plastic bag ties.
Read the book together and talk about the colors: “This is our blue
page. There is some light blue here. It reminds me of the sky on a sunny day. This dark blue looks like the same color as my jeans.What else is blue in this room? You’re right.My toenail polish is blue.”


Children are learning the names of colors and the variations of each color. They are learning that they can make a book. They are learning that their coauthor loves them so much that she wants to make and read a book together.

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