Jumat, 08 Februari 2008

Magic cups

 Satu lagi permainan seru, saya ambil dari buku Toddler Play-nya GYMBOREE, di chapter yg untuk 24 monts and up




When your toddler was a baby you can cover up a toy and she would forget it ever existed. Now she understands that the covered objects is still there —this is called object permanence— and she’s delighted to find it. By asking her to concentrate on one cup as it moves, you encourage her to recall the toy and you help sharpen her visual memory



This toddler activity is a step up from peek-a-boo, but operates on the same principle. First it’s here, then it’s gone, then it’s back again (but only if your toddler remember where it was!)

To start the game, hide a small toy under one of three cups while your child is watching. Then slowly move the cups around and ask her to guess which one conceals the toy.


If you’ve seen street entertainers play this game, you know it can be confusing, even for adults. So don’t move the cups too quickly or else she won’t be able to keep track of her toy.



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